Created in 1989 by Silvano de Gennaro, the Hardronic Festival is the opportunity for CERN Staff, Summer Students, users, their friends and families, to come to the site and enjoy all types of live music, games and animations for kids, delicious food and cool drinks.

It started as a very small event, on the terrace of Restaurant 1 in Meyrin. During the first years, the stage was the platform of a CERN truck, lent by the transport group. As it grew in subsequent years, the Festival had to be moved to a larger venue, on the fields of the CERN Prevessin site, near Restaurant 3.

Every year the festival had a different format: one or two days, one or two stages, mid-July or end of August, etc... but most of the time we've been super lucky with the weather. After a two-year absence, the Hardronic Festival is now back, with 10 local bands ready to rock the field, a bouncy castle for the kids, and more....

A real "CERN National Holiday".

Shuttle time table:

FREE Shuttle from/to bld.33 (CERN Reception)

(To get there take tram nb 18, direction CERN, and exit at the last stop)

Shuttle capacity: 30 people

  • 14h30, 15h00, 15h30, 16h00 and 16h30 from CERN Reception to R3 (every half an hour)
  • 17h15, 18h00 and 18h45 from CERN Reception to R3 (every 45m)
  • 19h30, 20h00, 20h30 and 21h00 from CERN Reception to R3 (every half an hour)
  • 21h30 to 01h30: every 30m from R3 to CERN Reception
  • (for information on transport in Geneva, click here)


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    CERN Site Management and Buildings

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    EN/EL group